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When you plan your trip, what should be decided at first?()

A.when to go

B.where to go

C.whom to go with

D.your budget

更多“When you plan your trip, what should be decided at first?()”相关的问题


根据以下内容回答题:It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times
and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them.They have always complained,more or less justly,that they are possessive and dominant;that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis;that they talk too much about certain problems——and that they have no sense of humor,at least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Young people often irritate parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles,in enter-tainers and music.This is not their motive.They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet accepted.So they create a culture and society of their own.Then,if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents,this gives them additional enjoyment.They feel they are superior,at least in a small way,and that they are leaders in style. and taste. Sometimes you are resistant,and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do.If they did approve,it looks as if you are betraying your own age group.But in that case,you are assuming that you are the underdog(劣势者):you can’t win but at least you can keep your honor.This is passive way of looking at things.It is natural enough after long years of childhood,when you were completely under your parents’contr01.But it ignores the fact that you are nOW beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life,cooperation can be part of that plan.You can impress others,especially your parents,into doing things the way you want.You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative,so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.

This passage is primarily meant for__________ .







阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。USE THESE 5 (OF 10) TIPS



STEP 1 – Get experience and volunteer your time in different event services. There are so many aspects of events including, working for a graduation event, a sports competition, volunteering for nonprofits, and working for an established event planner. Your long-term success in event planning will be based on the experience you had.Make sure you have some solid skills in:

* Verbal and written communications

* Organization and time management

* Negotiation and budget management

* Creativity, marketing, public relations and more

STEP 2 – Move into a position with some responsibility. Instead of just volunteering, become the fundraising chair for a nonprofit, become a catering manager, or take on a lead-planning role at an event planning company.

STEP 3 – Are you familiar with the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? In event planning, networking is key! Wherever you go, collect contact information for the people you meet.

STEP 4 – Create an event album. Showcase your work with photos, booklets, and invitations of the events you’ve worked on. Organize each piece in a book to easily present your experience and event stories. Most people are visual so paint the picture for them!

STEP 5 – While you’re gaining valuable event planning experience, you can also become a certified event planner. Join some training and try to get planner certification from some institutions. It’s also helpful to keep up with industry trends and establish contacts within the industry.

1. You can plan a success event if you have experience.{T、F}

2. You will move into a position with some responsibility only through volunteering.{T、F}

3. Networking is the key to event planning.{T、F}

4. Create an event album means taking photos in the event.{T、F}

5. You can become a certified event planner as well when you gain valuable event planning experience.{T、F}



Whatever projects you do, you need to have a clear and accurate action plan.Here are a
few ideas to make a good action plan.

First, know your goals.If you don't know where you're going, you're likely to end up anywhere,or even nowhere.The action plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed(SMART).It will take you toward the completion of that goal.

Next, list the necessary strategies that will be used to realize the goals.Be clear about very important events, and also any hidden difficulties you may meet.Break large tasks into smaller ones.Set deadlines for each task.Without clear deadlines, some tasks may never get completed.

Thirdly, follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished.Once your plan is made and shared with the team, the next step is simple: take daily action and make sure that everyone is doing their part.

Finally, change the date if you must, but never give up on the goals.Sometimes unexpected situations and events can appear and prevent you from finishing the tasks on time.If this happens, do not be discouraged –change your plan and continue working to meet your goals.

1.Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do.()

2.SMART stands for “suitable, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed”.()

3.When making an action plan, you'd better take possible difficulties into consideration.()

4.Don't change your plan even if some unexpected events happen.()

5.This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan.()



Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.John:Sure. T

Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.

John:Sure. That's a quick job. Could you talk me (答案?) the plan roughly?

Daniel:Of course. The plan (答案?) three parts. The first part is the background of the project, the second part is the (答案?), and the third is the expected results.

John:Er…well…I see.

Daniel:Do you have any (答案?) about it?

John:After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.

Daniel:Thanks, and then I will improve it according to your opinion and suggestions.

One day later.

John:I have finished reading your project plan.

Daniel:Is it what you hoped for?

John: Excellent! You seem to have (答案?) all the major points. We've decided to have a meeting. And could you please get ready to give a presentation of your ideas? We have to try our best to (答案?) the board.

A. persuade


C. covered

D. through

E. includes




— When you can't follow your teacher, what will you say?— I will say, "_______

A. Can you say for a second time?

B. Pardon?

C. I don't understand anythin

D. What you said was nonsens




DREAMS AND GOALS Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life I&

DREAMS AND GOALS Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life I'm sorry to tell you that dreams won't come true. It's your goals(1)can forever change your life. You need to(2) goals in order to turn your dreams into reality. Don't get confused by dreams and goals. Dreams are easy. They are free, too. (3), dreams are imaginary. And they don't produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams(4) action. You need goals to make the(5) of your dreams real. Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life. Goals are all about action. Goals change you and then change your life.

1.A. that

B. this

C. why

2.A. plan

B. set

C. have

3.A. But

B. Although

C. However

4.A. up

B. into

C. on

5.A. visions

B. decision

C. illusion



A relationship with your customer is like any relationship: It【C1】______time to earn their
trust and moments to【C2】______it. Customers want the truth, because without it they cannot make【C3】______decisions. For example, suppose you go out to dinner and the restaurant you choose has people waiting. When you put your name in, the host will tell you how long it is. If the host is doing his job, you will actually wait less than【C4】______you were told. If you are told the wait is 15 minutes and you are still waiting at the 30-minute mark, are you a happy customer? At one level, it is just【C5】______. In some cases, it could【C6】______other plans: If you miss your movie because you were not【C7】______for dinner, you really are not a happy customer.

Unfortunately, many salespeople are【C8】______to tell the truth. They【C9】______some in formation, or share partial truths, or just plain lie. They do it in the【C10】______that customers will buy when they hear【C11】______they want to hear. It is true that customers want to hear certain things but【C12】______they are true. Let's go back to the restaurant.【C13】______the wait is not 15minutes-it is 90 minutes. It is not what we want to hear. Still, we can decide to stay or not to stay. If we do not stay, we will be hack. But if we【C14】______told 30 minutes and it became 90, that【C15】______the last time we ate there. Sooner or later, customers al ways find out the truth. If the truth is different than what they have been told, you have lost their trust.

Truth is【C16】______accuracy. It includes a willingness to stand behind what you say. In other words, are you willing to put your money【C17】______your mouth is? If you are working with others, part of their【C18】______is that when something goes wrong you will stand with them. If an order is delayed, for example, how will you help them【C19】______their business commitments? Part of earning their trust is having a backup plan in place should your【C20】______systems fail.








-- Maybe I could help you print out the report and photocopy it.—().
-- Maybe I could help you print out the report and photocopy it.—().

A.Yes, she will finish the report tomorrow and get some photocopies

B.Please fetch my photos when you pass by the camera shop

C.Oh, I'd really appreciate it if you could, but I don't want you to ruin your evening



阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。SAVE MONEY BY UN




To save money, you simply need to spend less than you earn. It is easy to say, but why is it so difficult to do? To answer this question, you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time.


For most people, this is the biggest reason for overspending. People can easily get a credit card, simply by filling out a short form. in a bank or jumping on their website. They can borrow money from banks to go shopping, even buy cars or houses. When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase, you will feel you are spending free money or you aren't spending money at all. Try using cash to get your spending under control.


A credit card is an interest free short-term loan. When used as planned, this can be a powerful financial tool. The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month. If you make a $200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you can't afford to repay the full amount, this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you. That is no way of saving money.


We all need to enjoy life, but don't waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they aren't in your budget. When you know that you can't afford an activity, don't give in. Instead, invite your friends over for a home dinner party, game night, or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together, but without breaking your budget.


Everyone enjoys getting something new — buying yourself something feels good. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, as long as you don't go overboard. You'll feel good about your purchase whether you make it with cash or by credit card, but you'll feel even better when you don't have to spend the next two years trying to pay it off with 20% interest.


1. You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month. {T; F}

2. Using a credit card to pay is spending free money. {T; F}

3. It's easy to get a credit card but hard to make ends meet. {T; F}

4. If you suffer from a deficit this month, you simply have to pay it off by the original amount in the future. {T; F}

5. “Spending to feel good” means keeping your spending within the budget. {T; F}



We are all called upon to make a speech sometime in life, but most of us don’t do a ve
ry good job.We may get nervous, forget what we want to say, or talk too long and bore our audience.Later we may think, “Thank goodness, it’s over.I’m not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again.”

It doesn’t have to be that bad.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech-making.First of all, it is important to plan.Find out everything you can about your subject.And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience.Who are they? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.

Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? There are many possible speaking roles, and each one has its own special characteristics.Don’t spoil your speech by confusing one speaking role with another.

When you are making your speech, try to relax.Speak slowly and clearly and look at people in your audience.Use simple vocabulary and expressions whenever possible.Pause for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said.

If you follow these steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking.

1.According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT true?()

A.We may make mistakes when making a public speech

B.Most of us don’t know how to make a good public speech

C.We may think that we can never make a good speech

D.Every one of us hopes to have the chance to speak in public

2.What does “put yourself in their shoes” in paragraph2 mean?()

A.Be sure to wear nice clothing when you give your speech

B.Try on their shoes to see if they fit you

C.Take your shoes off when making your speech

D.Try to imagine how they think and feel about your speech

3.What if you confuse one speaking role with another?()

A.You will spoil yourself

B.Your speech will become a complete success

C.You will ruin your speech and make it a failure

D.You will spoil your audience.

4.While making a speech, you are NOT supposed to _______.

A.speak slowly and clearly

B.look at people in your audience

C.use simple vocabulary and expression whenever possible

D.be serious

5.What is the passage mainly about?()

A.The pleasure in making a public speech

B.One should always make a short speech

C.How to overcome your tension

D.How to improve your speaking ability


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