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改错:About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could

About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could

be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____University.

The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal

Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____families to moderate size.

This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal

deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____risk categories.

The report says that evidences from around the world shows the risk of ____7____maternal or infant ill and death is the highest in four specific types of ____8_____pregnancy; pregnancies before the mother is 18 year old; those after the ____9____mother is 35 years old; pregnancies after four births; and those lesser than ____10____two years apart.

更多“改错:About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could”相关的问题


When did RMS Carpathia arrive on the scene of Titanic’s sinking?()

A.About an hour and a half after the sinking

B.About several minutes after the sinking

C.About one day after the sinking

D.About half day after the sinking



It takes him about half an hour reading English every morning.()


Most of the stones are____________ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each.A.more

Most of the stones are____________ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each.

A.more high

B.much more high

C.higher more

D.higher than



In this island country, tourism _____about half of its Gross Domestic Product.







In the late () the UK spent about half the percentage of GDP on health care as the Uni
In the late () the UK spent about half the percentage of GDP on health care as the Uni

ted States.







Now about half of the women who work in social welfare are part-time, compared to 38% in t
he private sector.







The author tells four childhood stories about his mother——four memories. He was his mother’s (1) ____ child. His (2) ____ memory was about breaking the family’s only vacuum bottle for drinking water. His (3) ____ memory was about his mother being hit by a watchman while they were gleaning ears of wheat. His (4) ____ memory was about his mother giving her half bowlful of jiaozi the old beggar on a Moon Festival day. His (5) ____ memory involves his overcharging an old villager while selling cabbages. All these memories established an image of kind-hearted mother.

A.most painful B.most regretful C.clearest D.earliest E.youngest



Which of the following statements about Thanksgiving Day are right?()
A、During their first winter after their arrival, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics

B、Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to proclaim the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving

C、October in 1777 marked the first time that all 13 colonies joined in a thanksgiving celebration

D、The people who sailed to America aboard the Mayflower were originally Englishmen



Question 24 to 27 are based on the following passage.Scientists can learn about man by stu

Question 24 to 27 are based on the following passage.

Scientists can learn about man by studying animals, such as mice, rats and monkeys. The scientists in a laboratory areexperimenting on mice and they are studying the relationship between diet and health.

In this experiment, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice can eat and theirhealth. The mice are in three groups. All these groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that eachgroup is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second two cups, and the third threecups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group arethinner than normal mice but they are more active. Most of the day, they are running, playing with one another, and using theequipment in their cages. Also, they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years, while most of the mice in this groupare still alive after three years.

The second group of mice is of normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinnermice. But they are only living about two years.

The last group of mice is receiving more food than the other two groups. Most of the day, these mice are eating orsleeping. They are not active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought —about a year and a half, but they arenot healthy. The are sick more often than the other two groups.

24. The first group is the thinnest mainly because__________

A.they run and play all day long

B.they eat only one cup of food a day

C.they live longer than the other groups

D.they are bored with the kind of food in the cup

How long do normal mice live according to the passage?A.about one year

B.about a year and a half

D.about two years

E.about three years

What can we learn from the experiment?A.daily amount of food may influence our health

B.sleeping may have nothing to do with weight

C.playing with others may help us sleep better

D.less exercise may make us live longe

This passage is mainly about the relationship between___________A.food and health

B.sleep and weight

C.weight and exercise

D.exercise and equipment




Cars account for half the oil consumed in the US, about half the urban pollution and one-f
ourth the greenhouse gases. They take a similar oil of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of the developing world. As vehicle use continues to increase in the coming decade, the US and other countries will have to deal with these issues or else face unacceptable economic, health-related and political costs. It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that other nations will accept a large and growing US contribution to global climatic change.

Policymakers and industry have four options: reduce vehicle use, increase the efficiency and reduce the emissions of conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, switch to less harmful fuels, or find less polluting driving systems. The last of these -- in particular the introduction of vehicles powered by electricity -- is ultimately the only sustainable option. The other alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements. For example, reduced vehicle use could solve traffic problems and a host of social and environmental problems, but evidence from around the world suggests that it is very difficult to make people give up their cars to any significant extent. In the US, mass transit ridership and carpooling have declined since World War Ⅱ. Even in western Europe, with fuel prices averaging more than $1 a liter (about $ 4 a gallon) and with easily accessible mass transit and dense populations, cars still account for 80 percent of all passenger travel.

Improved energy efficiency is also appealing, but automotive fuel economy has barely made any progress in 10 years. Alternative fuels such as natural gas, burned in internal-combustion engines, could be introduced at relatively low cost, but they would lead to only marginal reductions in pollution and greenhouse emissions (especially because oil companies are already spending billions of dollars every year to develop less polluting types of gasoline).

From the passage we know that the increased use of cars will ______.

A.consume half of the oil produced in the world

B.have serious consequences for the well-being of all nations

C.widen the gap between the developed and developing countries

D.impose an intolerable economic burden on residents of large cities



A survey of English schoolchildren shows boys and girls are worrying about the way they l
ook. The ___26___ found that over half of male schoolchildren lacked confidence because of their body ___27___ .The figure for girls was slightly ___28___ , at 59 percent. Researchers questioned 693 teachers about how their students ___29___ about their bodies. All the children had taken lessons on body image and self-esteem.

Teachers said many children were very ___30___ if others said bad things about their appearances. Around 55 percent of teachers reported that girls were extremely sensitive to comment ___31___ their looks; the figure for boys being easily hurt by teasing(取笑)was 27 percent. Teachers gave a number of ___32___ why children as young as four years old were stressing out about their shapes. Over 90 percent of teachers ___33___ the Internet and television. Children see images of “perfect”bodies every day and they feel they have to look that way too. Many children are on diets to make themselves ___34___ to the opposite sex. One elementary school teacher said :“I work with four to five-year- olds and some say things like, ‘I can ’t eat cheese , it will make me ___35___ ’”, A teachers ’ spokeswoman warned that children trying to look like “celebrities in the media only lead to misery ”.

A. about F. fat K. questions B. attractive

G. felt L. reasons C. blame H. for

M. shape D. complete E. discover I. higher

N. study J. lazy O. upset













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